- Complementary colors
Complimentary colors are colors directly mirrored across the color wheel.
- Monochromatic
A single color with similar shades of said color
- Analogous
Three similar colors side-by-side
- Triadic
Three colors evenly spaced across the color wheel (120deg from center)
- Tetradic
Four colors evenly spaced across the color wheel (90deg from center)
- Primary, secondary and tertiary colors
- The main colors, red, yellow, and blue, used to make secondary colors
- A combination of 2 primary colors, orange, green, and purple
- A primary color added to a secondary color
- Warm colors
Colors often associated with temperature, reds through yellows
- Shades, tints and tones
Shades are added by darkening the color
Tint is adding white to the color to brighten it
Tone is adding both black and white (or gray) to make simpler versions of your color
- Hue, saturation and luminance
Hue is the color on the color wheel
Saturation is the intensity of the color
Luminance is the amount of brightness in a color
Complimentary #0A96AB / #AB1F0A

Monochromatic: #336ECC / #5C8BD6

Analogous: #3C53C3 / #683CC3 / #3C97C3

Triadic: #3842C7 / #C73842 / #42C738


